Benji / Sasha. 22. He / They. Gay.Hi, I'm Benji! You can also call me Sasha if you'd like. This is my carrd where I compile all my XIV OCs I RP with! All of these characters are located on the Crystal DC.


  • 18+ only.

  • No bigotry of any kind.

  • WU/T = OK!

  • M/E/DARK RP = OK!

  • I won't ERP unless our characters have chemistry, though.

  • Para/Multi-Para RP typically, but I can adapt.

  • IC does not = OOC.

  • On that note, I like chatting OOC before starting RPs typically!

  • Ask for my discord!

  • Feel free to ask about anything else!


Amias was born to young parents, who left Golmore Jungle to be with each other. They were in the honeymoon phase for most of their relationship, and Amias grew up surrounded by a very idealized view of love and romance. To make ends meet, Amias' parents both dabbled in the occult - divination here, a quick ritual there. Young Amias was perfectly content with his life spent helping around the little store his parents owned and learning divination under their tutelage.That is, until their untimely deaths.Apparently, some of their more... underground rituals had required ingredients that weren't acquired from exactly legal means, which meant dealing with some shady characters. Wracked with grief and unable to pay for the store left behind by his parents. Amias was left to his own devices. Sure, doing readings was enough to get food on the table (usually), but to have a roof over his head, or at least stay in an inn? He was out of luck.The then teenage Amias was strapped for cash, and it didn't go unnoticed. Amias was approached one evening with an offer: deliver this package unopened, no questions asked, and this individual -- no, this savior, in their eyes -- would pay for Amias' board for a period of time once returned. It was the perfect set up; with Amias traveling often, untethered to a home and looking for divination clients, nobody would suspect such a charming character to be up to something a bit less than legal.


NAME: Amias Iryut
AGE: 124 years old
JOB: Diviner (Smuggler)
IN GAME NAME Amias Iryut @ Balmung


Amias has a gentle, if a bit teasing, energy about him. Eager to talk your ear off and even more eager to make friends, it's very easy for Amias to dole out affectionate. Sometimes Amias' outgoing personality leans overbearing (just ask Adisa) in nature though, though they're quick to back off if requested.Get to know Amias though and you might notice the smile never reaches his eyes, and the reluctance to bring up most personal details that are beyond surface level.


ONE. Want your fortune told? You've heard of a travelling diviner in the area, and Amias seems to match his description...TWO. In a similar vein, despite being desperate for money herself, Amias often finds himself waiving divination fees for those unable to pay. Perhaps you've noticed and are interested in how he makes ends meet despite this?THREE. Got a cut or otherwise small injury? Amias knows some healing magic, though don't expect it to be pleasant; especially if it's something more serious.FOUR. Perhaps you need someone to transport goods for you? Amias has got you covered. It's not unusual for him to be here one day, and gone the next, and even less unusual for his bags to be a bit heavier than normal when he leaves.FIVE. A seasoned traveler, Amias might be a familar face. He's been just about everywhere on the map.SIX. Interested in seeing the world? Amias isn't opposed to people joining him on his travels. Should you get close enough, feel free to ask him!SEVEN. Need information about the occult? Amias has mostly left that behind (aside from divination), but he might be be able to help - for a fee.


Aster came to Eorzea with his surviving parent as a young child, fleeing after the absorption of the Avagnars by the Adarkim and his father’s death. As a way to cope with the trauma of watching his father be killed before his very eyes, Aster became enthralled by all things relating to death — though funeral rites and ways to honor the dead were a particular point of interest, given that his father never received a proper burial.Though Aster and his mother had a new chance at life, times were tough financially, especially in Ul’dah, where money is power. In an attempt to support his mother and himself, Aster joined the thaumaturgy guild, hoping his knowledge in funeral rites would land him a job caring for the dead. Although it did, his time there was short lived, as Aster was quickly saddened by the capitalistic state of funerals in Ul’dah, where only the wealthy receive proper after life care. Aster set out to begin their own private practice, offering more affordable deals where possible despite his own lack of money. Unfortunately, certain groups in Ul’dah were outraged at Aster taking their business. This led to a scuffle where, though he got out alive, one of his horns was permanently injured.Aster spends most of his time these days anywhere but Ul’dah (though he occasionally slips in to see his mother) offering his services to those who need it for a low price. Most of his gil is sent back to support his mother, though he keeps what he must to pay for inn rooms and food.


NAME: Aster Avagnar
AGE: 26
JOB: Mortician/Funeral Director
IN GAME NAME Male Wife @ Balmung


Though kind at heart, Aster keeps an air of distance about him. It’s not that he doesn’t want to form bonds with others, but his shyness can sometimes be a boundary that’s hard for him to overcome. Of course, he’ll be polite when spoken to, but don’t expect Aster to jump at the chance for deep conversations early on.


ONE. Sell herbs, flowers, anything of the sort? Aster is always on the lookout for deals on supplies to use in his services.TWO. It's hard not to notice the man's broken horn - if you catch him in a good mood, perhaps he'll share the story of what happened?THREE. Though he typically deals with already dead bodies, Aster has at least a little medical knowledge that could be used on the living.MORE TO COME! I'm still developing Aster, so this will be updated... eventually. Even if none of the current hooks work with your character, Aster is a bit of a pushover and fairly easy to rope into things!